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Sometimes, an installation or upgrade will not go as planned. This page details some ways in which to troubleshoot what's happened.

Reset the Enterprise Server Installation

If, for any reason, you want to "reset" your entire Enterprise installation and start over, you'll need to do the following:

# Optional: Back up your existing data
./manage_server backup

# Stop the Enterprise server
./manage_server stop

# Remove the Docker volumes
./manage_server delete

# Re-install the Enterprise server
./manage_server install

# Optional: Start the server and restore from backup
./manage_server start --detach
./manage_server restore

Unable to Start or Stop the Enterprise Server

A common cause is forgetting the --swarm flag in a Docker Swarm deployment. You need to use this on both the start and stop commands, or manage_server will default to using Docker Compose. If you have specified a non-default stack name, please also remember to use --swarm=<STACK_NAME> instead.

Additionally, if you've made any modifications to the service definition file in the override file, you might want to check the output of a Docker command like docker stack ps binaryninja_enterprise --no-trunc to see if the containers are failing to start for any reason that's been identified by Docker itself.

Network Errors When Starting the Enterprise Server

If you are seeing a large number of errors in the log when starting the Enterprise server that say things like "Host is unreachable", this generally points to a host networking issue.

If you are on Red Hat, nftables is the likely culprit as it is known to interfere with docker-compose routes and prevent inter-container networking. The easiest way to fix this is to edit the file /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf and change the line that says FirewallBackend=nftables to FirewallBackend=iptables. This will switch your system to using iptables as your default firewall instead of nftables. After you do a sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service, the server should be back to working correctly.

Other causes for this problem are more generally related to firewall rules on the local system and/or a misconfiguration of your Docker networking.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Doesn't Work

Please see the troubleshooting section listed under your chosen SSO source on this page.

Changing the Volume Location Won't Work

If you are trying to change the volume location of an existing install, this may fail and result in the old volume location being used. The reason is that the old Docker volume location will be kept. You will need to use docker volume ls and docker volume inspect <volume name> to identify the volume in question and delete it with docker volume rm <volume name>. Then, when you bring the server up again, it will use the updated value from the service definition file.


You should always make a backup of your data before messing with any volume locations. Running docker volume rm on any volume will result in permanent data loss from that volume. Please proceed with caution!

Cannot Download Client Executables

If, when you download the client executables, you get a 200 response and a 0 byte file, your underlying storage likely has a sector size larger than 4096 bytes. A way to confirm this is to look at the proxy container's logs for an error message that state failed (22: Invalid argument) while sending response to client.

To fix this, you will either need to migrate your server to a storage volume that has a smaller sector size or contact support and we'll help troubleshoot further. This will require changes to the proxy container

Client SSO and Chat Not Working

If the Enterprise Server is behind a proxy, ensure that websocket traffic is being forwarded. To do this in Nginx, set the following configuration variables:

proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";